Kungsgårdsskolan och daghem - Interior Design
For centuries, a beautiful tree has grown in the yard of the old school and kindergarten. The ancient tree inspired the use of wooden materials as well as natural and warm colours in the interior decoration.

Learning in the lap of nature
Kungsgårdsskolan och daghem is a Swedish-language school and kindergarten building in Espoo. In the middle of the two-storey building is a lobby area, which is used as a versatile space for dining, hobbies, parties and presentations. The other facilities are centered around the main lobby: artistic and practical subjects facilities, sports facilities, kindergarten facilities and learning environments for grades 0–2, 3–4 and 5–6. The learning environments are adaptable. There is an open space in the middle, which can be divided with adjustable partition walls, furniture and curtains. The classrooms are located at the edges of the open space.
The old school’s tree was especially important for the school and the surrounding village community. We wanted to incorporate the significance of the tree into the interior design of the new school. This is best reflected in the abundant use of wooden materials in the main lobby and the ash tree design on the glass wall that opens up to the yard.
The goal in both the human-scale architecture and colour scheme has been to create a welcoming appearance. The shades are warm and earthy.
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