Jorvi Hospital Pharmacy, Helsinki University Hospital
HUS-Kiinteistöt Oy, Espoo
1365 m² (gross)

The premises of the Jorvi Hospital Pharmacy were built in a former central kitchen right next to a loading bay. A second cleanroom for the preparation of pharmaceuticals was built for HUS Pharmacy in the new premises to enable the aseptic preparation of medications. In addition to the cleanrooms, spacious storage areas and comfortable offices and break rooms were built for the personnel.
The colours and materials in the pharmacy were chosen to create a fresh and airy atmosphere. Natural light enters the premises via the glass exterior wall as well as the new skylights.
Katriina Teräsvuori
Ville Hautala
Tellervo Karinsalo
Marita Välikangas
Petri Pettersson
Paulus Alajeesiö
Tea Kemppainen
Anna Lohilahti
Shall we get started?
Would you like to create a space that stands out? Are you seeking an environment that fascinates and delights?
We will help you turn your vision into reality.
Meiju Granholm
Account and HR Director, M.Sc. (Econ.)